You Are As Close To God As You Want To Be

Victor Uyanwanne on drawing near to God

How close are you to God?

You are as close to God as you want to be, because He has already fully drawn close to you.

How close are you to God? Do you feel as close to Him as you would want to be?

Without an exception, everyone of us has been given the privilege of being capable of drawing close to God as much as we can be. In other words, you can know God at a friendship level.

If you want to be closer to God, you can. If you feel alienated from God, it is not His fault.

Where you stand with God presently is your choice. You can either move closer towards Him or farther away from Him. Again it is up to you!

In the book of James 4:8a, we are given this inviting challenge:

Draw near to God and He draw near to you…

Put in proper perspective, it is not that God has not drawn close to you. But you will never know how so close God is already drawn to you untill you first draw close to Him. That is why it feels like the closer you draw to God the closer He becomes to you.

You hold the key

You are the one that determines how close to God you want to be.

You know whatever is hindering your drawing nearer to Him. If you would remove your hands from it and clear the doubts in your heart, you would draw closer to God.

The fact is that God is no longer far from you. If you are not ‘feeling’ Him, realise that you are the one that is not close enough to Him. He is already as close to you as He could ever be.

God gave His son Jesus to die for you. This eternal sacrifice dealt a final blow on the chasm that hitherto separated you from God. Even now, sin is no longer enough reason to cause a separation between you and God.

Do not run away from God because of your sins. Rather, you should run to Him despite your sins.

The price is fully paid

The price of your past, present and future sins has been paid for in Christ Jesus! His blood covers your sins, so that even when you err, the invitation is already there for you to come boldly to His throne of grace and obtain mercy.

Also, God gave you the Holy Spirit to live in you so that you will always have His ever-abiding presence. Wherever you go, the Holy Spirit goes there with you.

You are never alone. You have His assurance that He will never leave you nor forsake you. He is with you always till the end of the world.

I am fully convinced that God is with you. What I am not sure is whether or not you are fully with God. That is between you and Him.

But if you have fully declared yourself for God, know that He has already committed to being close to you to the fullest possible limit. The remaining part of the challenge for both of you to draw close to each other rests with you to fulfill.

©CopyRight 2017 | Victor Uyanwanne

16 thoughts on “You Are As Close To God As You Want To Be

  1. Eri Hunt Mar 30, 2017 / 3:16 am

    Amen! Great insight I couldn’t agree more. It’s like God does his part we have to make sure we do ours . Thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Barbara Fisher Mar 1, 2017 / 10:22 pm

    Amen! I believe that. My former pastor used to say that all the time. “You’re as close as you want to be.”

    Liked by 1 person

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