How Can You Show the Blogger Some Love?

Every day of the week, millions of posts hit the blogosphere. Out of this teeming number, you are able to stumble on and read some posts you really like.


What do you do after reading? Walk away, just like many other people do?

Haba, I know you can do better…

“So what do I expect you to do?” you may ask. Simple: show the Blogger some love. Appreciate him or her.

How can you show the blogger some love?

You can do so by giving him or her an appropriate feedback on the posts you have read.

The feedback after reading the post can come in form of “likes” for the posts, comments, follows, reblogs, sharing of the posts, emails, experience sharing, suggestions, testimonies, etc.

I tell you, by so doing, the blogger will feel mightily appreciated and greatly encouraged to continue writing.

Thank You

Part of the joy of personal blogging is receiving appropriate feedback from your readers.

To be clearer about the point of this post, I’m saying there is need for you to appreciate your favourite bloggers who have been a blessing to you in one way or another.

I learnt that lesson early enough in my blogging journey. And I have had several causes to express my gratitude to some bloggers whose writings have consistently been a blessing to me.

On one of such instances, I had to write a simple poem to a particular blogger whose writings (coincidentally poems too) have been so enriching to me and my reading experience on wordpress.

All I did was write her a poem, first as a comment in her own post, and then as a full-fledged post here on my blog.

And how do you think she received my feedback?

Here was what she had to say to me afterwards:

WOW, you have blessed me so much with “your poem.” I was not expecting anything like that and have never received anything like it before.

Each day I pray for the Lord to inspire me and that He should send me something from time to time to quicken to my spirit that I am indeed doing this all for His glory and His purpose. Every now and then I get a word of encouragement from someone that confirms I am using my gift for Him. This not only confirms it but it solidifies this is w[h]ere God wants me. Thank you again for giving me such a huge blessing. ~ Have a wonderful day with Jesus.

And after I had turned my ‘poem of gratitude’ into a full post, she also remarked:

There you go again Victor blessing me again with your post! I love that you turned it into something that we can all do to let others know that we appreciate what they do. Encouraging others is so important for us to do and this is a great way to do so. ~ May God continue to use you to bless others ~

I am not trying to be sycophantic or eager to blow my own trumpet here by sharing theses comments. Rather I am only trying to reecho the sentiment that in this world of blogging, “Encouraging others is so important for us to do…”

So is there anyone whose blog posts have greatly impacted your life? Why don’t you reach out and appreciate such one?

There are a few things you may want to do to show some love to the blogger you read his or her post. In my next post, we will explore some 10 simple things you can do to make your favourite blogger feel appreciated.

©Copyright 2018 | Victor Uyanwanne

7 thoughts on “How Can You Show the Blogger Some Love?

  1. lifewithclottedcream Apr 9, 2018 / 2:52 pm

    Thank you for this post, Victor! It is so easy for a new(ish) blogger like me to give up as I feel that I’m putting all this effort in for no reason at all – really great reminder to us all to appreciate others’ talents and passions!

    Liked by 1 person

    • VictorsCorner Apr 9, 2018 / 6:05 pm

      You are welcome. Thanks for reading and commenting. Let’s keep appreciating and encouraging one another.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you Victor and yes it is True that we are to encourage each other as the Scripture below confirms but that does not mean we accept if there is error in what they share, God also tells us to correct, rebuke, warn etc if needed but with His Truth not just what we may think is right and if we Love them we will. I remember later being very Thankful to friends who rebuked and warned me but yes as you shared Victor also grateful now to those who take the time to share on my Posts their encouragement, thoughts and best wishes.

    1 Thessalonians 5:11 Therefore encourage one another and build up one another just as you also are doing.

    Hebrews 3:13 But encourage one another day after day, as long as it is still called “Today,” so that none of you will be hardened by the deceitfulness of Sin.

    2 Timothy 3: 16-17 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for Doctrine, for Reproof, for Correction, for Instruction in Righteousness. That the Man of God may be Perfect and thoroughly furnished unto all Good Works.K.J.V

    Christian Love Victor and God’s Blessings,
    Anne (Grannie Annie).

    Liked by 1 person

    • VictorsCorner Apr 6, 2018 / 3:28 pm

      You are right Anne. Part of showing love to a blogger is gently pointing out errors in his or posts and offering suggestions… These are already on the list to be published in the next post. I trust you would read it and comment as always.

      By the way, I can’t say it enough that you are one of the bloggers I read that I owe alot of gratitude to. You have remained a blessing since our paths crossed. Thank you immensely for being there.


  3. Deborah Ann Apr 6, 2018 / 3:08 pm

    Victor, you are so right about showing “some love” by liking, commenting, reblogging ect . . . you went a step above when you wrote your poem for me! I have a copy of it in my Bible. I keep it there to remind me that this gift God has given me is one to continue to use for His glory. It is my daily prayer that God will use them to touch just one! (James 5.20) ~ Blessings to you and yours and thanks for the brotherly love my friend in Christ ~

    Liked by 1 person

    • VictorsCorner Apr 6, 2018 / 3:19 pm

      Yes, Ann. I believe we should appreciate those who minister to us through their writings. And I appreciate you immensely Ann. It is obvious to me that the annointing of God is upon you to write the way you do.

      I am thrilled by the feed back you just gave… that the poem I wrote for you means so much to you; that you kept a copy in your Bible. Thank you for the honour. Remain blessed.


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