3 Solid Things That Will Make a Christian not Suffer Identity Crisis

The real you is not the one that stands in front of the mirror every morning. The real you is inside of you. The word of God is the mirror that will reflect your true identity. As a Christian, your true identity is in Christ. It is only in Christ (the Word) that you can discover your true identity….

(Victor Uyanwanne in 11 Powerful reasons you should improve your interest in the Bible).

I know who I am.

Your identity is who you are. And as a Christian, who you are is important, but who you are in Christ is far more important.

That brings me to this important question: Do you know who you are? Or better still, do you know who you are in Christ?

You should know who you are! If you don’t:

  • You will go through life not maximizing your full potentials;
  • You will suffer from identity crisis; being unsure of yourself, unsure of why you exist in life;
  • Your self-esteem will not be at the right level;

You will end up being unhappy or depressed, emotionally. And of course, you deserve better than that! That’s why I am writing this post.

I know who I am.” That’s the title of the monstrously successful hit song by popular Nigerian worship gospel singer, Sinach.

There is no time I play that song that I don’t get inspired by its lyrics, which are deeply rooted in the word of God. I could never be depressed or unhappy with a song like that on my lips.

But just like many other Christians, there were times I wasn’t so sure about who I am in Christ. I would often ask myself questions such as Am I really saved? Are my sins truly forgiven?

Does God love me personally? Am I completely acceptable to God? Does He have a purpose for me? Am I Sure I am qualified for Heaven?

Looking at myself back then, those were not easy questions to resolve. But once I began to look more in the word of God than in my feelings, the pictures became clearer. As I began to see myself in the light of God’s word, my doubts began melting away.

I am not saying I’ve got everything figured out yet. But at least, I am not where I used to be; I now have a firmer grip of my real identity in Christ than before.

Having said that, I don’t deny that it is possible for a Christian to suffer an identity crisis. But you don’t have to, or why should you?

Many of the identity issues you might face as a Christian will arise if you continually focus on something different from what God says you are. Whatever you might have gone through in the past or you may still be going through presently, they should not make you confused  about your true identity.

Who God says you are is your true identity. At any point in time, you ought to be able to say “I am what God says I am.” That is to say, you have to always align who you think you are with who God says you are.

How can this be achieved?

As a Christian, here are 3 three sure ways out of the problem of identity crisis:

  1. Knowing who you are in Christ.

It is good to have a very firm grasp of who you are in the Lord. Who you are by your spiritual birth is far more important than who you are by your natural birth.

In other words, who God says you are matters more than who others, or you, define you to be.

At a crucial point in His lifetime, Jesus was cross-examined by the authorities of the day. “Are you the Messiah, the Son of the Blessed One?” They asked him.

“I Am” was Jesus response. No mistake about it. He knew who He was and He embraced it with all His heart, even though it carried a fatal consequence – He was condemned to death! (Mark 14:61-64).

Jesus Christ never suffered an identity crisis, why should any Christian for that matter?

  1. Embracing who you know you are in Christ with all your heart.

It is one thing to know who you are in Christ and another to completely embrace it with all your heart.  Sometimes you may not feel like you are what God says you are. But it doesn’t depend on how you feel about it. It is a matter of the integrity of God Himself.

You have to apply faith and accept that you are who God says you are. Stand on it even if your senses try to tell you otherwise.

Embracing your identity in Christ is the key to guaranteeing that you will not be caught up in the quagmire of an identity crisis.

  1. Living your life according to your revealed identity in Christ.

In Christ, you are a new creation, old things have passed away. The point has been made that who you are in Christ is your true identity. And that’s the identity you should live by.

“But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light: Which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God: which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy.” 1 Peter 2:9.

I know you are familiar with the things spelt out in that quoted scripture above. If you embrace them with all your heart and live by them by faith; If you see yourself in the light of who God’s say you are, you will never again suffer from identity crisis as a Christian.

I know who I am in Christ.

Let’s take a further look at who you are in Christ:

  • A new creation. Old things have passed away in your life. You have been reborn.
  • Disciple of Christ. You are not a ‘nobody’. You know and follow Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God.
  • Light of the world. You show the way; you are a trailblazer. Your light shines forth even in darkness.
  • Ambassador of Christ. You are a VIP (very important personality); an approved representative of Heaven on earth, with full benefits attached.
  • Salt of the Earth. The world needs the flavor God has put in you.
  • Son of the most-high God. You are valuable. It cost God His only begotten Son to get you to become His Son too.
  • Royalty – You are a royalty, you became one when you got born again.
  • Holy and righteous – God has declared you guiltless. Your sins are completely forgiven.

The Bible didn’t leave us in doubt about who you are in Christ.

Knowing, embracing and living by the revealed identity you have in Christ are solid things that will make you not suffer the issue of identity crisis. And your life will take on a new meaning if you can get to the point where you can boldly say: I know who I am!

How does knowing  who you are in Christ help you overcome any problem of identity crisis? Please share your thoughts in the comment section.


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