Give Your Best To Make Your Marriage Work

making your marriage work.

“Two people who decide to live together in a marriage situation have an obligation to make the marriage work for them.” With those wise words from Helen Reddy, I welcome you to the fifth post in the towards a better marriage series.

Things do not work until someone makes them work. Marriage is not an exception to that rule.

If you want your marriage to work, you and your spouse must be fully committed to making it work by giving it all your best.

Be fully committed to your marriage

In making your marriage work, you will have to put in all your best. This is not a 50-50 or 60-40 contribution, but a 100% thing from each of you.

A marriage that will work is the one where both you and your partners love each other, are fully committed, and are fully willing to put in your best to make it work.

You already know that marital bliss doesn’t come by chance. Amongst other things, it will take hard work from you and your spouse to make it happen.

Realise that in marriage, both of you are on the same boat. You must put in your maximum rowing power if you hope to make it to the shore of marital success together.

There is no guarantee that you will have a happy marriage experience if you don’t put in all you’ve got into it.

For instance, when it comes to giving the commitment, love and faithfulness, understanding, emotional, financial, spiritual support and all other kinds of other supports that a good marriage requires, give it all you’ve got – without any reservations whatsoever.

Be an example of the character you want to see in your spouse

Don’t wait for your spouse to start putting his/her best in the marriage before you start giving yours. Be the example of the good character you want to see in your spouse.

In your marriage, be more of a giver than a taker.

Imagine there is a marriage box containing all the secret ingredients that make a marriage work. You will have to replenish the stock more often than you take out from it. Otherwise, you will get to a point where nothing is left for you to enjoy.

There are many areas in marriage you are required to put in your best, all your best. In loving your spouse,  you should do it with all your heart.

If you want to have happiness, passion, intimacy, companionship, trust in your marriage, you have to put it there. Relationships take work, a lot of work and if you want to live a happy, beautiful and loving life next to your partner, you will both commit to making your marriage work. Always remember, relationships don’t work unless you do.

Luminita D. Saviuc

When it comes to walking in love, you can never get it wrong because love never fails.

Love your spouse without reservations

Doing that may appear to make you vulnerable to your partner. But don’t worry, love always wins. You will win too.

Love accommodates.

A marriage that will work is the one where both you and your partners love each other, are fully committed, and are fully willing to put in your best to make it work.

I am turning this post over to you now. Let us help one another by giving an outline of at least 20 areas where spouses need to put in their utmost best in order to make their marriages work. Please share your ideas in the comment section.

Still Ahead: Towards A Better Marriage 6: Stop expecting your spouse to fill the void only God can fill.

©CopyRight 2016 | Victor Uyanwanne

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